January ’24 Newsletter
As 2 years of war approaches, The work in Nikopol continues, but not without obstacles.

December 23 Special Bulletin
Dec 23 Viktor Shuka, a minister in Kiev is looking for support as he works with three prison minsitries.

September ’23 Newsletter
The church in Nikopol pursues stability, even if the world around them doesn’t

July Newsletter
Dangerous developments in the Ukraine have dramatically impacted the populace and church in Nikopol, but they continue to labor and...

April Newsletter
thanks to Katie for putting these together! It has been a busy three months.April Newsletter (1)

Newsletter out
Our first quarterly newsletter in a little while. You can catch up on some of the recent developments, and if...

New Things On the Horizon
In our years since coming back to the United States, we have continued to work with Nikopol church in support...